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Tour de France

Years 2018 - 2019
Locations Atlantic to Mediterranean
Theme France
My most memorable trip so far, Atlantic to Mediterranean on a bike through the Pyrenees. Going solo where Tour de France race was to follow several weeks after. Tourmalet, Aubisque, Mt Ventoux and Camargue with its sunlight, sweat and salt on your hands being closest to those shots by Herb Ritts.
Yport, 2019
Mont St-Michel, 2019
St-Maries-de-la-Mer, Camargue, 2018
Gavarnie, 2018
Arles, 2018
Somewhere in Provence, 2018
Espelette, 2018
Gavarnie, 2018
Etretat, 2019
Mougins, 2018
la Dune du Pilat, 2018
Somewhere in Provence, 2018

Camargue, 2018