Hello! I am leisure photographer based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Not pretending at any mastery, photography is rather a way to memorize my subjects - from rocks or droplets to animals and of course, people.
When you click that camera button, you do exchange a pixel or two of your soul with those of your subject. Here`s my collection of pixels, helping remembering what actually makes me me.

Why black & white?
I work in media and advertising, which is pulsating with rather specific understanding of beauty - poster-like, high contrast, max brightness. Perhaps this is the reason why limitation and black-and-whiteness, something that I rarely see at work, often visit me when rambling around. Not saying any of the two are better or worse, this is simply a way for me to recalibrate.

If you pursuit similar or totally contrasting interests in photography - why don`t you drop me a line?